Photos and Digital Images
Stock Photo Backgrounds & Other Digital Images
The stock photos shown on these pages are made available to our customers at no additional charge. These attractive stock photographic backgrounds provide unique, eye-catching graphics. The stock photos may be used royalty-free on many of the 4-color process items in the catalog or on the website. Simply submit your text, art, or layout and indicate which background you prefer. Our art department will prepare your artwork according to the standard charges for that particular product. No charge will be added for use of our stock photographic backgrounds.
You may elect to use any of the "Stock Images" below at no additional charge.
You can also go to and search for an image or picture that better suits your needs (in rare cases, charges may be incurred for use of Dreamstime images).
Different printing methods or products may result in variations of color and resolution when reproducing photographs.
For customers wishing to build their own art files using our stock background photos, low-resolution background images suitable for indicating placement are available - just right click your mouse and use the "Save Picture As" command.